■Repeater operation ……………………………………………………
D Repeater tone frequency setting
■Tone squelch operation ………………………………………………
■Data mode (AFSK) operation …………………………………………
■ Spectrum scope screen ………………………………………………
DCenter mode …………………………………………………………
DFixed mode ……………………………………………………………
D Mini scope screen indication ………………………………………
DScope set mode ………………………………………………………
■Preamplifier ………………………………………………………………
■Attenuator ………………………………………………………………
■RIT function ……………………………………………………………
DRIT monitor function
■AGC function ……………………………………………………………
DSelecting the preset value
D Adjusting the AGC time constant
DSetting the AGC time constant preset value
■Twin PBT operation ……………………………………………………
■IF filter selection ………………………………………………………
DIF filter selection ……………………………………………………
D Filter passband width setting (except FM mode) ………………
DRoofing filter selection ………………………………………………
DDSP filter shape ……………………………………………………
DFilter shape set mode ………………………………………………
■Noise blanker …………………………………………………………
DNB set mode …………………………………………………………
■Noise reduction …………………………………………………………
■Dial lock function ………………………………………………………
■Notch function …………………………………………………………
■Digital selector …………………………………………………………
■Autotune function ………………………………………………………
■VOX function ……………………………………………………………
D Using the VOX function ……………………………………………
DAdjusting the VOX function …………………………………………
D VOX set mode ………………………………………………………
D Semi
■∂TX function ……………………………………………………………
D∂TX monitor function …………………………………………………
■Monitor function …………………………………………………………
■Transmit filter width setting (SSB only) ………………………………
■Speech compressor (SSB only) ………………………………………
■Split frequency operation ………………………………………………
■Quick split function ………………………………………………………
DSplit lock function ……………………………………………………