Date command
Displays or sets the blade server date and time. To set the date and time, you must provide the information string in this format: MMDDhhmmCCYY, where MM = month, DD = day, hh = hour, mm = minute, CC = century, and YY = year. You must reset the switch for the new date to take effect.
Admin to change the date; user to display the date.
Specifies the date – this requires an admin session. If you omit [MMDDhhmmCCYY], the current date is displayed – this is available with User authority.
The following is an example of the Date command.
FCSM: user1> date
Thu Sep 26 07:51:24 2002
12Intel Blade Server Fibre Channel Switch Module SBCEFCSW / FC Expansion Card SBFCM Guide