5.2 Cleaning the ADF

5.2Cleaning the ADF

The ADF should be cleaned after approximately every 1,000 scanned sheets. However, this criteria varies according to the type of documents scanned. For example, it may be necessary to clean the ADF more frequently when documents with insufficiently fused toner are scanned.


The glass scanner windows inside the ADF can become hot when the

scanner is used.




Before cleaning the inside of the scanner, disconnect the AC adapter


from the power outlet, and wait for at least 15 minutes to let the glass


scanner windows cool down.

5.2.1Cleaning the ADF

1. Push the ADF release button, then hold both sides of the top cover and lift it open.

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Care Scanner

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Be careful that the top cover does not shut on your ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ fingers.

Network Scanner fi-6000NS Operator's Guide