1.5 Scanner Requirements

1.5Scanner Requirements

1.5.1 Administrator Requirements for Login via the Web Interface

For scanner administration carried out via the web interface, the following requirements apply:

Software (English versions)

Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 SP2 or later

Any Windows® operating system which supports the above Web browser


Any client PC which runs the supported software

XGA monitor or better

LAN cable

1.5.2LDAP Server

This scanner supports the following LDAP servers:

Windows® 2000 Server Active Directory

Windows Server® 2003 Active Directory

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol for accessing a directory databases over a TCP/IP network. It can be used to administer networked users e-mail addresses and operating environments.

This LDAP server can be used to perform the following:

User authentication at login

Finding or entering e-mail addresses in an address book

1.5.3Fax Server

This scanner supports the following fax server:

Captaris® RightFax Business Server (Version 9.3)


Overview Scanner

Network Scanner fi-6000NS Operator's Guide