










Alert notification address contains

Enter a valid alert notification




invalid characters.










Notification e-mail address has not

Enter a notification e-mail address,




been entered.

and then send a test mail.









Test e-mail could not be sent because

Set a SMTP server and try again.




a SMTP server has not been set yet.










Test e-mail could not be sent.

Try the following:





• Check if the computer





connected to the SMTP server is








running properly.




• Check if an e-mail can be sent




to the address from another




personal computer in the













• By performing a ping test,





check if the SMTP server or the





network connection to the





SMTP server is working





properly. If there is no response





from the SMTP server ping test,





check that the system network is





functioning normally by





performing an SMTP server





ping test from another machine





in the network.





• If the system network is not





operating correctly, refer to





"Failure to connect to a





remote computer using its





IP address" (page 242) for





further solutions.





• If the only the SMTP server





cannot connect to the





network, request the





network administrator to





check that the SMTP server





and the network connection





to the server are





functioning normally.








Network Scanner fi-6000NS Operator's Guide