





Send Fax

Fax number must be specified.

Enter a fax number.





Invalid fax number. Try again.

Enter a valid fax number.



Only numbers 0 to 9, -,*, and # can



be used.





Notification address (sender's e-mail

Enter a notification address.


address) must be specified.






Invalid notification address (sender's

Enter a valid notification address.


e-mail address). Try again.






Current login (LDAP account) has

Contact a system administrator to


become invalid.

have the login account validated.




Fax Number

Search has timed out. Contact a

Contact a system administrator to


system administrator.

have the time-out interval checked.



"3.6.5 Setting the LDAP Server"



(page 64)




Add Fax

Recipient must be specified.

Enter a recipient.




Fax number must be specified.

Enter a fax number.






This fax number already exists. Try a

Enter a different fax number.


different fax number.






Invalid fax number. Try again.

Enter a valid fax number.



Only numbers 0 to 9, -,*, and # can



be used.




Edit Fax

Recipient must be specified.

Enter a recipient.




Fax number must be specified.

Enter a fax number.






This fax number already exists. Try a

Enter a different fax number.


different fax number.






Invalid fax number. Try again.

Enter a valid fax number.



Only numbers 0 to 9, -,*, and # can



be used.