Connecting to a PC – Useful Browser Features – (continued)
The notification mail received during alarm/sensor input will look as follows:
Mail Header
From: xxxxx@xxxxx.co.jp
To: xxxxx@xxxxx.co.jp
Subject: Starting Alarm/Sensor REC!!
Message (Normal List Format)
Host name: |
The following alarm/sensor recording has been started:
01/08/2003(FRI) 20:15:15 A 3ch [INF.], 4ch [ENTRANCE] 01/08/2003(FRI) 20:15:17 S 9ch [ ]
01/08/2003(FRI) 20:18:15 A 13ch [N. GATE], 14ch [ ], 16ch [ ]
The End
• The content in the [Subject] will be reflected.
•Lists data of alarm/sensor that are triggered within the specified minimum notification interval. The list contains 3 types of information as shown below:
•Alarm/Sensor Activation Time
•Recording Mode
A:Alarm recording
S:Sensor recording
•Camera Channel [Camera Title]
Message (Short List Format)
HOST. vr716 [3rd factory]
LIST DISPLAY 14/10/2003
clock: 19:39:18
Mode: A
CamCh: 3[INF.], 4[ENTRANCE]
clock: 19:39:39
Mode: S
CamCh: 6[ ]
clock: 19:39:45
Mode: A
CamCh: 13[N. GATE], 14[ ], 16[ ]
•Only the language of the mail message changes in accordance with the “LANGUAGE SELECTION” in the main menu. (☞ page 25)
•There will be a few seconds difference between the alarm notification list and the actual time when record- ing starts.
•Refer to the notes related to Summer Time. (☞ Page 116)