Cross Sections

Geometric elements supported:











Height differences

Height difference to the centerline






Distance from the centerline





Cross section type

Differentiate between CUT and



FILL cross sections






slope ratio




Header of the cross section file:

41....+00JOB_ID 42....+TEMPLATE

WI41 Job identification. Max. 8 ASCII characters, user definable.

WI42 Template file identification. May not be changed by user.

A data block for a cross section is structured as follows:

11....+ PROF_NR 35....+DISTANCE 36....+000HDIFF

WI 11 The cross section number.

WI 35 Horizontal distance from the centerline.

WI 36 Height difference from the centerline.

WI 71 Cross section type.

WI 72 Slope ratio.


The header consists of a single block at the start of a data file.

All data blocks having the same cross section number (WI11) belong together.

All data blocks belonging to a cross section must be consecutive in the file to minimize file access.

The data blocks for a cross section must be sorted by ascending distance from the centerline.


TPS-System 1000 Programs-2.3.1en

© Leica

Page 297
Image 297
Leica 1000Z01 Cross Sections, Geometric elements supported, Element Definition, Header of the cross section file