Downloadable fonts
ABICOMP Brazil/Portugal | Wingdings | ISO 25: French | |
ABICOMP International | POSTNET Bar code | ISO 57: Chinese | |
DeskTop | ISO : German | ISO 60: Norwegian version 1 | |
Legal | ISO | : Spanish | ISO 61: Norwegian version 2 |
MC Text | ISO | 2: IRV (Int'l Ref Version) | ISO 69: French |
Microsoft Publishing | ISO | 4: United Kingdom | ISO 84: Portuguese |
ISO 6: ASCII | ISO 85: Spanish | ||
Ukrainian | ISO 10: Swedish | ISO | |
| |
PCL ITC Zapf Dingbats | ISO 11: Swedish for Names | ISO | |
PS ITC Zapf Dingbats | ISO 14: JIS ASCII | ISO | |
PS Math | ISO 15: Italian | ISO | |
PS Text | ISO 16: Portuguese | ISO | |
Pi Font | ISO 17: Spanish | ISO | |
Symbol | ISO 21: German | ISO | |
Roman Extension | |||
(437N) |
Ventura ITC Zapf Dingbats | |||
Ventura International | |||
Ventura Math | |||
Ventura US | |||
Windows 3.0 Latin 1 | |||
Windows 98 Cyrillic | |||
Windows 98 Greek | |||
Windows 98 Latin 1 | |||
Windows 98 Latin 2 | |||
Windows 98 Latin 5 | |||
Windows 98 Latin 6 (Baltic) | |||
You can download scalable fonts in PostScript 3 emulation and either scalable or bit mapped fonts in PCL 6 emulation. Fonts can be downloaded to printer memory, or to a flash memory option or hard disk option. Fonts downloaded to flash memory or hard disk remain in memory even after the printer language changes, the printer resets, or the printer is turned off.
Understanding fonts