5-2 Installing the Operating System with Express Setup

About Express Setup

"Express Setup" helps you to install the Windows Operating System.

The setup automatically configures the RAID system and installs the Operating System and some management software.

IMPORTANT: Executing the Express Setup erases all data on the hard disk drive.

You can also use "Configuration disk" at "Express Setup" in order to save or backup parameters for installation.

The Configuration disk is able to have some parameters files that include the configuration information for the server setup.

If you want to set up the server as before, execute the Express Setup with the parameters file you have saved that time.


„The parameters file is not mandatory to set up the system.

„If you want to create a parameters file, have a blank floppy disk (MS-DOS 1.44MB format) ready.

„If you want to use the drivers located on the "OEM-Disk for Mass Storage Device" that ships with optional boards, a parameters file is mandatory.

„You can create a parameters file in advance using "Configuration Diskette Creator" included in NEC EXPRESSBUILDER.