Troubleshooting 8-25

Problems with Disk Array Configuration

Check the following if the server configuring a disk array does not operate properly or a utility does not operate correctly. If a relevant item is found, follow the processing method.

Fail to install the OS:

Is the disk array controller configured?

Provide proper configuration for the disk array controller by using the LSI Logic Software RAID Setup Utility.

Fail to start the OS:

Is the BIOS of the disk array controller changed?

Set the BIOS correctly by using the LSI Logic Software RAID Setup Utility. Does POST recognize the disk array controller?

After making sure that the disk array controller is connected correctly, then power on the server.

If the disk array controller is not recognized correctly despite correct connection, the disk array controller may be failed. Contact your service representative.

Rebuild fails:

Is the capacity of the hard disk drive to be rebuilt sufficient?

The hard disk drive to be rebuilt should have the same capacity of the failed had disk drive.

Is RAID0 configured?

RAID0 has no data redundancy, therefore, Rebuild is disabled in the RAID0 configuration. Replace the failed hard disk drive, create the configuration data again and initialize the hard disk drives. Then recover the data by using backup data.

Auto rebuild fails:

Was a sufficient time taken for hot swap of hard disk drives?

To allow the auto rebuild to operate correctly, it should take 90 seconds or longer for the interval between the removal of the failed hard disk drive and the installation of a new hard disk drive.

Is configuration correct?

Check the setting of auto rebuild by using the LSI Logic Software RAID Setup Utility. <Menus to check: Top menu - [Objects] - [Adapter] - [Auto Rebuild]>

A hard disk drive fails:

Contact your service representative.