Utility Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
of the traceroute. This port should be an unused port on the destination system. The range
for <port> is zero (0) to 65535. The default value is 33434.
Format traceroute ipv6 <ipv6-address|hostname> [port <port>]
clear config
This command resets the configuration to the factory defaults without powering off the switch.
When you issue this command, a prompt appears to confirm that the reset should proceed.
When you enter y, you automatically reset the current configuration on the switch to the
default values. It does not reset the switch.
Format clear config
clear eventlog
This command clears all event messages maintained in the switch.
Format clear eventlog
clear mac-addr-table
This command clears the dynamically learned MAC addresses of the switch.
Format clear mac-addr-table
clear logging buffered
This command clears the messages maintained in the system log.
Format clear logging buffered
port: 33434
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