Routing Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
another router in the group higher than the master’s priority, the router will take over as
master only if preempt mode is enabled.
Format ip vrrp <vrid> priority <1-254>
no ip vrrp priority
This command sets the default priority value for the virtual router configured on a specified
Format no ip vrrp <vrid> priority
ip vrrp timers advertise
This command sets the frequency, in seconds, that an interface on the specified virtual router
sends a virtual router advertisement.
Format ip vrrp <vrid> timers advertise <1-255>
no ip vrrp timers advertise
This command sets the default virtual router advertisement value for an interface.
Format no ip vrrp <vrid> timers advertise
ip vrrp track interface
Use this command to alter the priority of the VRRP router based on the availability of its
interfaces. This command is useful for tracking interfaces that are not configured for VRRP.
Only IP interfaces are tracked. A tracked interface is up if the IP on that interface is up.
Otherwise, the tracked interface is down.
When the tracked interface is down or the interface has been removed from the router, the
priority of the VRRP router will be decremented by the value specified in the <priority>
argument. When the interface is up for IP protocol, the priority will be incremented by the
<priority> value.
A VRRP configured interface can track more than one interface. When a tracked interface
goes down, then the priority of the router will be decreased by 10 (the default priority
100 unless the router is the address owner, in which case its priority is automatically set to
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config