Click Cancel to quit this window.
The Step 2. Conditions window appears with the global address conditions you specified listed in the Route details window.
6To edit the condition, click the link in the Route details window.
7Continue to specify conditions.
Click Next to go to the next step.
Specifying groups
To specify a group as a condition, perform the following steps.
1Click the THESE GROUPS link. A new windows appears.
2Select the group (or groups) of people that you have organized into groups (such as Family, or Friends) as defined in your personal address book.
3Click Select all to select all groups.
4Click OK to accept the selected groups.
Click Cancel to quit this window.
5To edit the condition, click the link in the Route details window.
6Continue to specify conditions.
Click Next to go to the next step.
Specifying telephone numbers
To specify a phone number, a list of phone numbers, or a SIP Address of an incoming call as a condition, perform the following steps.
1Click the THESE TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) link. A new window appears.
2Enter a phone number (or a list of phone numbers) or a SIP address.
| June 2008 |