






Using the Lithium Ion Battery Pack


Pouìit’ bateriovŽ sady lithium ion










Pouìit’ bateriovŽ sady lithium ion


To use the Lithium Ion Battery Pack




DŽlka doby, kter‡ je k dispozici pro nepÞetrìitŽ nahr‡v‡n’ z‡vis’ na:

The amount of continuous recording time available depends on :


- The type and capacity of battery pack you are using.


- Typu a kapacitž bateriovŽ sady, kterou pouì’v‡te.

- How much you use the Zoom function.


- Jak ‹asto pouì’v‡te funkci zoom.

It is, recommended that you have several batteries available.


Doporu‹uje se, abyste mžli k dispozici nžkolik sad bateri’.





Charging the Lithium Ion Battery Pack



Nab’jen’ bateriovŽ sady





Zdvihnžte hled‡‹ek a pÞipojte bateriovou



Lift the viewfinder up and attach the







sadu na kameru.



battery pack to the camcorder.




PÞipojte s’éovù nap‡je‹ na s’éovou äËóru



Connect the AC Power adapter to an AC





s’éovou äËóru zapojte do z‡suvky v bytž.



cord and connect the AC cord to a wall









Napojte stejnosmžrnou äËóru na








Connect the DC cable to the DC jack




stejnosmžrnou zd’Þku (DC) na kameÞe.



socket on the camcorder.



Dejte sp’na‹ nap‡jen’ POWER na kameÞe

Turn the Camera power switch to off,




do polohy vypnuto (off), za‹ne blikat



the charging indicator will start to flash




indik‡tor nab’jen’ a t’m signalizuje, ìe se



showing that the battery is charging.




baterie nab’j’.




Blinking time

Charging rate


Rychlost blikání

Intenzita nabíjení




Once in a second

Less than 50%


Jednou za sekundu

MŽnž neì 50 %




Twice in a second

50% ~ 75%


Dvakr‡t za sekundu

50 % aì 75 %




Three times in a second

75% ~ 100%


TÞikr‡t za sekundu

75 % aì 100 %




On for a second and

Error - Reset the battery and


Sv’t’ jednu sekundu

Chyba -vyjmout baterii




off for a second

DC cable.


a zhasnuto jednu sekundu

a stejnosmžrnù kabel



5. When it has finished charging, disconnect the battery and AC Power


5. Jakmile je nab’jen’ skon‹eno, odpojte baterii a s’tÕovù nap‡je‹ od kamery.



adapter from the camcorder.



- I kdyì je s’tÕovù sp’na‹ vypnut, baterie se st‡le vyb’j’, pokud zóstane



- Even with the power switched off, the battery will still discharge is left


napojen‡ na kameru.





connected to the camcoder.





























Baterie móìe bùt v dobž prodeje trochu nabit‡.


The battery pack may be charged a little at the time of purchase.




Aby se zabr‡nilo omezen’ ìivotnosti a kapacity bateriovŽ sady, po dob’jen’ ji


To prevent reduction in the life and capacity of the battery pack,


vìdy z kamery vyjmžte.




always remove it from the camcorder after it is fully charged.






Page 22
Image 22
Samsung AD68-00542G manual Using the Lithium Ion Battery Pack, Pou ìit’ bateriovŽ sady lithium ion, Nab’jen’ bateriovŽ sady