
























Battery level display


Kontroln’ œdaj o stavu akumul‡toru


The battery level display indicates the amount of










Indikace nabit’ baterie ud‡v‡ mnoìstv’ energie,











power remaining in the battery pack.










kterŽ v bateriovŽ jednotce zbùv‡.

















Fully charged









a. Plnž nabit‡











b. Vybit‡ z 10%



10% used












Half used










c. Vybit‡ z poloviny



Mostly used










d. Z vžtä’ ‹‡sti vybit‡










Completely used (flickers)










e. Zcela vybit‡ (blik‡)



(camcorder will turn off soon,









(Kamera se brzy vypne, co nejdÞ’ve baterii nabijte)














change the battery as soon as possible)























Viz tabulka na stranž 23, kde naleznete pÞibliìnŽ doby

Please refer to the table on page 23 for approximate continuous



recording times.


nepÞetrìitŽho nat‡‹en’.

The recording time is affected by environmental temperature and


Doba nat‡‹en’ je ovlivnžna okoln’ teplotou a podm’nkami.




Doba nat‡‹en’ se zkr‡t’ v chladnŽm prostÞed’.


The recording time becomes very short in a cold


Doba nepÞetrìitŽho nat‡‹en’ v provozn’ch instrukc’ch je mžÞena za


environment. The continuous recording time in the operating instruc-


pomoci plnž nabitŽ baterie pÞi teplotž 25°C. Protoìe se okoln’ teplota a


tions is measured using a fully charged battery pack at 77°F(25°C).


podm’nky mohou pÞi skute‹nŽm pouì’v‡n’ kamery liäit, zbùvaj’c’ doba


As the environmental temperature and conditions may be different


pouìit’ baterie nemus’ bùt totoìn‡ s pÞibliìnž uvedenùmi ‹asy


when you actually use the camcorder, the remaining battery time may


nepÞetrìitŽho nat‡‹en’, kterŽ jsou zde uvedeny.


not be the same as the approximate continuous recording times given









in these instructions.

























Tips for Battery Identification











Tipy pro identifikaci bateri’













A charge mark is provided on the battery pack to help





Zna‹ka nab’jen’ je uvedena na bateriovŽm modulu proto,

you remember whether it has been charged or not.





aby v‡m pomohla pÞipomenout, zda byla nabita nebo ne.

Two colours are provided (red and black)-you may





Jsou zde dvž barvy (‹erven‡ a modr‡)-móìete si vybrat,

choose which one indicates charged and which indicates





kter‡ zna‹ka bude znamenat nabit’ a kter‡ vybit’.






























Page 24
Image 24
Samsung AD68-00542G manual Battery level display, Tips for Battery Identification, Power remaining in the battery pack