Using Your Camcorder Abroad


Pouìit’ videokamery v zahrani‹’

Each country or area has its own electric and TV colour system.


Kaìd‡ zemž nebo oblast m‡ svój vlastn’ systŽm elektrickŽ s’tž a systŽm

Before using your camcorder abroad, check the following points.




TV barev.




PÞed pouìit’m kamery v zahrani‹’ zkontrolujte n‡sleduj’c’ body.













Power sources








Zdroje nap‡jen’





You can use your camcorder in any country or area with the




Kameru móìete pouì’t v jakŽkoliv zemi nebo oblasti se stÞ’davou


supplied AC Power Adapter within 100V to 240V, 50/60 Hz.




nap‡jec’ soustavou 100V aì 240V, 50/60 Hz.


Use a commercially available AC plug Adapter, if necessary, depend-




Pouìijte komer‹nž dostupnù nap‡je‹ na stÞ’davù proud (AC),


ing on the design of the local wall outlet.




pokud je to nutnŽ, v z‡vislosti na konstrukci bytovŽ z‡suvky v m’stž.












Colour system




Barevnù TV systŽm




You can view your recording in the viewfinder.




Svój z‡znam móìete sledovat v hled‡‹ku. Oväem, abyste ho mohli


However, to view it on a television or copy it to a video cassette




sledovat na televizoru nebo ho zkop’rovat na videorekordŽru (VCR),


recorder, the television or VCR must be PAL-compatible and have the




mus’ se jednat o televizor nebo VCR systŽmu PAL a je tÞeba, aby zde


appropriate audio/video jacks.




byly pÞ’sluänŽ zd’Þky pro audio/video. Jinak budete potÞebovat


Otherwise, you may need to use a transcoder.



















PAL-compatible area



Kompatibiln’ oblasti PAL


Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, CIS, Czech Republic,




Austr‡lie, Belgie, Bulharsko, CIS, ‰’na, ‰esk‡ Republika, D‡nsko,


Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Great Britain,




Egypt, Finsko, Francie, Holandsko, Hong Kong, Indie, Ir‡n, Ir‡k, Kuvajt,


Holland, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia,




Libye, Ma“arsko, Malajsie, Mauritius, Nžmecko, Norsko, Rakousko,


Mauritius, Norway, Rumania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic,




Rumunsko, Ûecko, Saudsk‡ Ar‡bie, Singapur, Slovensk‡ Republika,


Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, etc.




Sùrie, ápanžlsko, ávŽdsko, ávùcarsko, Thajsko, Tunisko,











NTSC-compatible area




Velk‡ Brit‡nie, atd.











Bahamas, Canada, Central America, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Korea,



Kompatibiln’ oblasti NTSC


Taiwan, United States of America, etc.




Bahamy,Centr‡ln’ Amerika, Filip’ny, Japonsko, Kanada, Korea, Mexiko,










Thaiwan, USA, atd.




You can make recordings with your camcorder














anywhere in the world and you can watch the






Nahr‡vat Vaä’ kamerou móìete kdekoliv a sledovat






playback picture on the LCD screen.







nahr‡vku na obrazovce LCD.
















Page 77
Image 77
Samsung AD68-00542G manual Using Your Camcorder Abroad, Zdroje nap‡jen’, Barevnù TV systŽm, Kompatibiln’ oblasti PAL