USB interface (VP-D15(i) only)

USB propojen’ (pouze VP-D15(i))

Connection with PC

PÞipojen’ k PC



Connect USB cable into USB

1. PÞipojte USB kabel k USB portu na


connector on the PC.




Connect USB cable into the proper


PÞipojte druhù konec USB kabelu k


terminal of camcorder. (USB jack)


USB z‡suvce na videokameÞe.


Connect the Audio cable to the line


PÞipojte kabel audio ke zd’Þce Line


input jack of the PC.


input na PC.


If the PC has no Line input jack,


Jestliìe na PC tato zd’Þka nen’,


connect the Audio cable to the


pÞipojte kabel do zd’Þky MIC input.


MIC input jack.


Jestliìe pouìijete mikrofonn’ zd’Þku


There is a possibility you’ll here


je zde moìnost, ìe ve zvuku


some audio noise if you use the MIC


uslyä’te nžjaky äum.








If you disconnect the USB cable from PC or camcorder during

Jestliìe bžhem pÞenosu dat odpoj’te kabel od PC nebo videokamery,

transferring, the data transmission may stop and it could cause to

pÞenos dat se zastav’ a móìe doj’t k jejich poäkozen’.

damage data.

Jestliìe pÞipoj’te kabel k PC pÞes USB HUB nebo sou‹asnž pÞipoj’te

If you connect the USB cable to PC via USB HUB or connect the USB

jinŽ zaÞ’zen’ s USB portem, videokamera by nemusela spr‡vnž fun-

cable with other USB devices simultaneously, The camcorder may not


work properly.

- V takovŽm pÞ’padž odpojte dalä’ zaÞ’zen’ od portu USB na PC,

– In this case, remove other USB devices from the PC and

odpojte a znovu pÞipojte videokameru.

reconnect the camcorder.

Pokud pÞipoj’te IEEE1394 (DV) a USB najednou, USB nemus’

If you connect the IEEE 1394(DV) and USB at the same time, the USB

norm‡lnž fungovat.

may not operate normally function.



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Samsung AD68-00542G manual Connection with PC, PÞipojen’ k PC