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Advanced Recording |
| Pokro‹ilŽ nat‡‹en’ |
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Using the VIDEO LIGHT |
| Pouìit’ VIDEO SV•TLA (pouze |
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✤ | VIDEO LIGHT works in CAMERA mode only. |
| ✤ Video svžtlo pracuje pouze v reìimu KAMERA. |
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✤ | To brighten the scene when natural lighting is too dim. |
| ✤ Slouì’ k rozjasnžn’ scŽny, kdyì je pozad’ pÞ’liä tmavŽ. |
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✤ | VIDEO LIGHT works in SP mode only. |
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| ✤ Video svžtlo pracuje pouze v reìimu SP. |
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| – If you turn on the LIGHT in LP mode, the LIGHT indicator ( | ) |
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| – Pokud pÞepnete na LIGHT v reìimu LP, na LCD bude blikat ( | ) |
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| and “LP” will be blinking in the LCD. |
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| indik‡tor svžtla a ÒLPÓ. |
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Danger |
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| Nebezpe‹’ |
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■ | The video light can become extremely hot. |
| ■ Video svžtlo móìe bùt pÞ’liä horkŽ. |
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| Do not touch it either while in operation or soon after turning it off, otherwise |
| Svžtla se nedotùkejte, pokud je v ‹innosti nebo je ‹erstvž vypnutŽ, |
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| serious injury may result. |
| mohli byste si zpósobit poranžn’. |
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■ | Do not place the camcorder into the carrying case immediately after using the |
| ■ Kameru neukl‡dejte hned do braäny, pokud jste pouì’vali video svžtlo |
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| video light, since it can remain extremely hot for some time. |
| (po ur‹itou dobu zóst‡v‡ horkŽ). |
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■ | Do not use near flammable or explosive materials. |
| ■ Nepouì’vejte bl’zko hoÞlavùch nebo vùbuänùch materi‡ló. |
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■ | It is recommended that you consult your nearest SAMSUNG for bulb replace- |
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| ■ Pokud vymžËujete ì‡rovku, pora“te se s odborn’kem. |
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| ment. |
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| – ëivotnost baterie je zhruba 50 hodin. |
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| – The life of the bulb is approximately 50 hours. |
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1. | Set the camcorder to the CAMERA mode. |
| 1. Nastavte kameru do reìimu KAMERA. |
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2. | Set the LIGHT switch to ON. |
| ON |
| 2. | Zapnžte svžtlo. |
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| ■ The LIGHT indicator ( | ) appears in the LCD |
| ■ Indik‡tor video svžtla ( | ) se objev’ na LCD a | |||||||||
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| and the light is turned on. |
| OFF |
| svžtlo se zapne. |
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3. | If you want to turn off the VIDEO LIGHT, |
| 3. | Pokud chcet video svžtlo vypnout, nastavte pÞep’na‹ |
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| ||||||||||
| set the LIGHT switch to OFF. |
| na OFF. |
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| Reference |
| Pozn‡mka |
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■ | The LIGHT is turned off automatically during EJECTING or tape INSERTING. |
| ■ Bžhem vkl‡d‡n’ ‹i vùj’m‡n’ kazety je video svžtlo automaticky vypnuto. | ||||||||||||||||||
■ | Even if the battery indicator ( | ) does not blink when the battery pack’s |
| ■ | I kdyì indik‡tor baterie ( | ) v pÞ’padž n’zkŽho nabit’ neblik‡, kamera | |||||||||||||||
| charge is low, the camcorder may turn off automatically when you turn on the |
| se móìe automaticky vypnout, pokud zapnete svžtlo nebo za‹nete se |
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| LIGHT, or when you start recording with LIGHT turned on. |
| zapnutùm svžtlem nahr‡vat. |
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■ | The |
| ■ VestavžnŽ svžtlo je pouì’v‡no jako dodatkovŽ svžtlo, coì nemus’ bùt |
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| outdoor lighting. |
| vìdy dostate‹nŽ pro nahr‡v‡n’ venku. |
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■ | The picture quality may deteriorate if you use the VIDEO LIGHT |
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| ■ Kvalita obrazu se móìe zhoräovat pokud pouì’v‡te video svžtlo dŽle neì |
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| continuously for more than 20 minutes. |
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| 20 minut. |
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■ | If you turn on the LIGHT in 1/6, 1/13, 1/25 SHUTTER mode, |
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| the manual SHUTTER mode will be switched off. |
| ■ Pokud zapnete svžtlo v reìimu SHUTTER(z‡vžrky) v 1/6, 1/13, 1/25, |
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■ | The SHUTTER mode does not operate when the LIGHT is on. |
| manu‡ln’ reìim SHUTTER bude vypnut. |
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| ■ | Reìim SHUTTER nepracuje, pokud je svžtlo zapnuto. | ||||||||||||
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