Samsung AD68-00542G manual Pozn‡mky ohlednž autorskùch pr‡v, Pozn‡mky ohlednž kondenzace vlhkosti

Models: AD68-00542G

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Notices and Safety Instructions


Pozn‡mky a Bezpe‹nostn’ Pokyny




Notices regarding COPYRIGHT


Pozn‡mky ohlednž autorskùch pr‡v

Television programs, video tapes, DVD titles, films, and other program


Televizn’ programy, videokazety, DVD tituly, filmy a ostatn’ programovŽ

materials may be copyrighted.


materi‡ly mohou bùt chr‡nžny autorskùm pr‡vem.

Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material may be against the law.


Neopr‡vnžnŽ kop’rov‡n’ takto chr‡nžnùch programó je trestnŽ.




Notices regarding moisture condensation


Pozn‡mky ohlednž kondenzace vlhkosti


A sudden rise in atmospheric temperature may cause condensation to


1. N‡hlŽ zvùäen’ atmosfŽrickŽ teploty móìe zpósobit’ vytvoÞen’


form inside the camcorder.


kondenzovanŽ vlhkosti uvnitÞ kamery.

for example:




When you move the camcorder from cold outside to warm inside


- Pokud kameru pÞenesete zvenku z chladnŽho poas’ do tepla


during the winter.


uvnitÞ v zimŽ.


When you move the camcorder from cool inside to hot outside during


- Pokud kameru pÞenesete z chladu uvnitÞ ven do tepla v lŽtž.


the summer.





If the “DEW” protection feature is activated, leave the camcorder for at


2. Pokud dojde k aktivaci funkce ÒDEWÓ (VLHKOST), ponechte


least two hours in a dry, warm room with the cassette compartment


kameru nejmŽnž dvž hodiny v suchŽ, teplŽ m’stnosti s otevÞenou


opened and the battery removed.


schr‡nkou na kazetu a s vyjmutou bateri’.




Notices regarding CAMCORDER


Pozn‡mky, tùkajcse kamery


Do not leave the camcorder exposed to high temperature (above 60˚C


1. Nenechvejte kameru pod vlivem teplot nad 60˚C.


or 140˚F).


NapÞ’klad v zaparkovanŽm automobilu na slunci nebo na pÞ’mŽm


For example, in a parked car in the sun or under direct sunlight.




Do not let the camcorder get wet.


2. Nenechte kameru zvlhnout. ChraËte ji pÞed deätžm, moÞskou


Keep the camcorder away from rain, sea water, and any other form of


vodou a jakoukoliv vlhkost’. Pokud kamera zvlhne,móìe se


moisture. If the camcorder gets wet, it may be damaged.


poäkodit. NžkterŽ tyto poruchy nejdou odstranit.


Sometimes malfunction cannot be repaired.





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Samsung AD68-00542G Pozn‡mky ohlednž autorskùch pr‡v, Pozn‡mky ohlednž kondenzace vlhkosti, Pozn‡mky, tùkaj ’c ’ se kamery