| OdstraËov‡n’ z‡vad | CZECH |
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Troubleshooting |
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✤ If these instructions do not allow you to solve the problem, contact your |
| ✤ Pokud V‡m tyto pokyny nepomohou ve vyÞeäen’ problŽmu, kontaktujte | ||||||||
nearest authorized service centre. |
| nejbliìä’ autorizovanŽ servisn’ stÞedisko. | ||||||||
| ||||
Symptom | Explanation/Solution |
| PÞ’znak poruchy | Vysvžtlen’ /Þeäen’ |
| ||||
You cannot switch the | Check the battery pack or the AC Power Adapter. |
| Kameru nelze zapnout. | Zkontrolujte bateriovou sadu nebo nap‡je‹. |
| ||
camcorder on. |
| |||||
| ||
START/STOP button | Check the POWER switch is set to CAMERA. |
| Tla‹’tko START/STOP | Zkontrolujte, zda je sp’na‹ POWER v poloze |
| ||
does not operate while | You have reached the end of the cassette. |
| pÞi nat‡‹en’ nepracuje. | CAMERA. |
| ||||
recording. | Check the record protection tab on the cassette. |
| Dos‡hli jste konce p‡sku. |
| ||||
| Zkontrolujte ochrannù jazù‹ek proti vymaz‡n’ na |
| ||||
The camcorder goes off | You have left the camcorder set to STBY for more |
| |||||
| kazetž. |
| ||||||
automatically. | than 5 minutes without using it. |
| Kamera se automaticky | Ponechali jste kameru v reìimu STBY dŽle neì 5 |
| ||
| The battery pack is fully exhausted. |
| vypne. | minut bez použ’v‡n’. |
| |||
| Baterie je zcela vybit‡. |
| |||
The battery pack is | The atmospheric temperature is too low. |
| ||||||
| Bateriov‡ jednotka se rychle | PÞ’liä n’zk‡ atmosfŽrick‡ teplota. |
| ||||
quickly exhausted. | The battery pack has not been charged fully. |
| ||||||
| The battery pack is completely dead, and cannot be |
| vybije. | Bateriov‡ sada nebyla zcela nabita. |
| |||
| Bateriov‡ sada je zcela vybit‡ a nelze ji nab’t, pouìijte |
| ||
| recharged, Use another battery pack. |
| ||||
| jinou sadu. |
| ||||
When you see a blue | The video heads may be dirty. |
| |
| Pokud bžhem pÞehr‡v‡n’ | Videohlavy mohou bùt zne‹iätžny. |
| ||||
screen during playback. | Clean the head with a cleaning tape. |
| vid’te modrou obrazovku. | Vy‹istžte videohlavy ‹ist’c’ kazetou. |
| ||||
A vertical strip appears | The contrast between the subject and the |
| ||||
| Na obrazovce se objev’ svislù | Kontrast mezi pÞedmžtem a pozad’m je pÞ’liä velkù k |
| ||||
on the screen when | background is too great for the camcorder to |
| pruh bžhem nat‡‹en’ temnŽho | tomu, aby kamera pracovala norm‡lnž. |
| ||||
recording a dark | operate normally. Make the background bright to |
| pozad’. | Pozad’ k omezen’ kontrastu zjasnžte nebo pouìijte |
| ||||
| pÞi nahr‡v‡n’ funkci BLC. |
| |||||
background. | reduce the contrast or use the BLC function while you |
| |||||
| |||
| are recording brighter. |
| Obraz v hled‡‹ku je rozmazanù. | Nebyl nastaven objektiv hled‡‹ku. Nastavte Þ’d’c’ |
| |
The image in the | The Viewfinder lens has not been adjusted. |
| p‡‹kou hled‡‹ku, aì budou zobrazenŽ indik‡tory v |
| ||||
viewfinder is blurred. | Adjust the viewfinder control lever until the indicators |
| hled‡‹ku zaostÞeny. |
| ||||
| |||
| displayed on the viewfinder come into sharp focus. |
| Autofokus nepracuje. | Zkontrolujte menu M.FOCUS. |
| |
Auto focus does not | Check the M.FOCUS menu. Auto focus does not work |
| Autofokus nepracuje v reìimu ru‹n’ho zaostÞov‡n’. |
| ||||
work. | in the Manual Focus mode. |
| Tla‹’tko Play (PÞehr‡v‡n’), | Zkontrolujte pÞep’na‹ POWER. |
| ||
Play, FF or REW button | Check the POWER switch. |
| FF (pÞev’jen’ dopÞedu) nebo | Nastavte pÞep’na‹ na PLAYER. |
| ||||
does not work. | Set the power switch to PLAYER. |
| REW (pÞev’jen’ zpžt) tla‹’tko | Dos‡hli jste za‹‡tek nebo konec kazety. |
| ||||
| You have reached the beginning or end of the |
| nepracuje. |
| cassette. |
| Pokud vid’te bžhem | Toto je charakteristick‡ vlastnost tŽto kamery a nen’ |
| |
When you see the bro- | It is the characteristic of this camcorder and it is not a |
| REC SEARCH | to porucha nebo z‡vada. |
| ||||
ken block image during | failure or defect. |
| (NATç‰ENê VYHLEDçVçNê) |
| |
| poruäenù oraz. |
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