114 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
Subject to the type of connection, you can adjust the refresh rate of the
remote link test results, also identified as the analysis polling interval.
While the remote link test will proceed to continuously collect measurement
results, the selected Radio Link Module (initiator station) will transfer the
results to the LAN administrator station at regular intervals, which can vary
from 1 to 15 seconds.
Use a short time interval (e.g.1 second) for on-line monitoring, e.g.,
when troubleshooting or when you have full bandwidth access via the
local network.
Use a longer time interval (e.g. 15 seconds) when you run a remote link
test only for background information purposes, or in cases when you
access the initiator stations network via a low-speed connection (e.g. a
dial-up modem connection).