Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 161
&UHDWLQJ(GLWLQJDQ$FFHVV&RQWURO7DEOHTo create or edit the access control table:
1. Start the RLM Manager and select the Radio Link Module.
2. Click the (GLW button.
3. Select the $FFHVV&RQWURO tab.
4. Click the (GLW button to display all MAC addresses that are currently
authorized as pictured in Figure 34Setup Access Control.
By default, access control is set to $OOZLOOEHSHUPLWWHG!, i.e. there
are currently no access restrictions defined.
5. Use the following buttons to modify the MAC address table:
•$GG - to add MAC addresses one at a time. You can also use the
&RPPHQWV field to enter a name or add a comment about the
listed MAC address.
•(GLW - to change entries in the table.
•'HOHWH - to remove MAC addresses one at a time.
•'HOHWH$OO - remove all MAC addresses and disable access control.
•,PSRUW)LOH - to import an existing access control table.
•6DYH)LOH - to save the current access control to a file.
6. Repeat step 5 for all stations you want to authorize to send/receive data
via this RLM.