Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 85
To perform a standard site survey:
1. Arrange the site monitor display as described above.
2. Determine which locations in your network environment require wireless
3. Use a mobile computing device to walk through your wireless LAN
4. Roaming throughout the network environment, verify that each location
is covered by at least one RLM that provides a level of SNR that is at
least “Marginal” (Yellow) or better.
5. (optional) Use the 6RUWRQ button to re-arrange th e display of Access
Points RLMs by the data displayed in the first column.
The first time you open the Site Monitor window, the Access Points
RLMs are sorted in descending order of the SNR values.
6. (optional) To sort Access Points RLMs in a different way, simply select
another display item in column one.
&XVWRPL]LQJWKH6LWH0RQLWRU'LVSOD\For specific purposes, you may wish to select one or more of the other
parameters as well, for example:
• Display the signal level (6LJQDO) and noise level (1RLVH) to determine the
cause of a poor level of SNR.
— A low signal level would indicate a “weak” radio signal, i.e. the
Radio Link Module is almost ‘out-of-range’.