124 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
&KHFNLQJWKH/HQJWKRI<RXU/$16HJPHQWVIn exceptional cases, networking problems may be caused by LAN
segments that have been stretched over (too) large distances.
In these situations, frequent collisions might occur because stations can no
longer detect the carriers transmitted by distant stations. Collided frames
will no longer be received by the addressed station.
The occurrence of a LAN segment system that is too long can be diagnosed
with the remote statistics found on the 5HPRWH tab in the monitor mode of
the RLM Manager.
1. Sel e ct ,QWHUIDFH(WKHUQHW from the pull-down menu to display the
statistics for the Ethernet interfac e.
2. Compare the number of ,QHUURUV with the number of %ULGJHLQ
• When the number of ,QHUURUV is 1% of the %ULGJHLQSDFNHWV or
more, there may be a cabling problem.
3. Monitor the value increase of the parameter %\WHVLQ over a longer
period of time.
• When this number increases constantly with more than 600,000
bytes per second, this may indicate a problem with the length of
your LAN segment.
You may need to consult a network expert to verify and/or adjust the length
of your cable segments.