60 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
4. Create a back-up file of the new configuration settings (optional but
Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each of the Access Points RLMs that you wish to
6WHS ,QVWDOOLQJWKH$FFHVV3RLQW5/0For installation instructions of the RLM hardware, please refer to the
documentation that was includeded with the RLM.
6WHS &RQQHFWLQJWRWKH$FFHVV3RLQW5/0To connect to the Radio Link Module, you need to address each Radio Link
Module via its IP address.
• If your network includes a BOOTP or DHCP server, the IP address will be
assigned automatically (refer to BOOTP and DHCP (page 231) for more
information about BOOTP/DHCP).
• In situations where no IP addresses are assigned automatically, the LM
factory default IP address will be
You must change this factory-set IP address ( upon first