180 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
•(GLW - to change entries in the list.
The default value is $OOZLOOEHSHUPLWWHG!.
7UDS+RVW$OHUWVYou can use the Trap Host mechanism to inform a network administrator
when somebody resets the Radio Link Module , does the forced reload
procedure or if there is an authentication failure or a link up or down is
detected. The trap host alert will enable the network administrator to verify
whether the reset or forced reload action was an authorized action or not.
To activate the trap host mechanism:
1. Start the RLM Manager and select the Radio Link Module.
2. Click the (GLW button to connect to the RLM.
3. Select the 6103 tab to display the SNMP parameters.
4. In the field 7UDS+RVW,3$GGUHVV enter:
•$Q\YDOLG,3DGGUHVV-To this IP address a message is send if the
Radio Link Module is reset.
•,QLWLDOYDOXH - To disable SNMP Trap Agent.
5. Enter a password in th e field 7UDS+RVW3DVVZRUG.
Choose a password that corresponds to the password set at the Trap
Host to filter unsolicited or unauthorized SNMP Trap messages at the
Trap Host.