172 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
In case you specified no more than 2 key values, you can only select the
transmit key from these two values.
'HQ\QRQHQFU\SWHG'DWDIf you decide to use wireless data encryption, you are advised to encrypt all
data that will be transmitted via the wireless medium.
In some cases however you may wish to choose to allow the Radio Link
Module also to process non-encrypted data as well.
Examples of such situations could be:
• Network environments that include both wireless stations equipped
with cards (CP 1515) that support WEP Encryption and cards that do not
support encryption.
• Network environments where you are about to install a large number of
wireless stations, using “out-of-the-box” configurations, which by
default will have encryption disabled.
If you would start-up such stations with their default configuration, these
stations would not be able to establish an initial connection to the network,
since they wouldn't be able to interpret the encrypted beacon messages.
For optimal security against unauthorized access to your network, you are
advised always to leave the 'HQ\QRQHQFU\SWHGGDWD option enabled