220 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
8QLTXH3DUDPHWHUVUnique parameters such as the IP Address or System Name, are used to
differentiate a single Radio Link Module from the group of RLMs that are
operated within your network. The most important unique parameters are
listed in Table 8Unique RLM Parameters.
0DQDJLQJ&RQILJXUDWLRQ&RQVLVWHQF\The most convenient way to manage the configuration of a large number of
Radio Link Modules is to configure the first Access Point RLM and save its
configuration to file. Use this file as a template that you can upload to the
other RLMs.
After loading the template file on each Radio Link Module, you will modify
the parameters identified as the unique parameters, to differentiate the RLM
from the other Radio Link Modules in this network.
In other words, the easiest way to manage a large number of RLMs is as
follows: Access Points (RLMs
• Radio Link Module IP Address Access Point IP
• System Name SNMP
• System Location