118 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
•Optimizing Wired Connections (page 121): to eliminate redundant error
messages due to failing connections.
•Optimizing Wireless Connections (page 125): to avoid retransmission of
lost or collided frames.
3URWRFRO)LOWHULQJSome network protocols send large volumes of broadcasts to all stations. In
many cases, these protocols may not be required by your wireless stations.
In these cases, protocol filtering may prevent the transmission of
unnecessary data, saving more bandwidth for the communication of “true
data” in your network.
'R<RX1HHG3URWRFRO)LOWHULQJ"To diagnose whether or not the protocol broadcasts degrade the
performance of a wireless network, you can use the Remote Statistics tab
as described on Remote Statistics Tab (page 108).
1. Start the RLM Manager and select the Access Point RLM and click the
0RQLWRU button.
2. From the 0RQLWRU menu, select 5HPRWH6WDWLVWLFV.
3. Select the 5HPRWH tab to display the interface statistics.
4. Compare the number of 2XWFROOLVLRQV with the number of %ULGJHRXW