194 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
To enable Interference Robustness click the $GYDQFHG button on the
:LUHOHVV,QWHUIDFHV tab in the edit mode to display the Advanced Setup
window, then select the option ,QWHUIHUHQFH5REXVWQHVV.
'LVWDQFH%HWZHHQ$3VIn networking environments where you have either data intensive users, or a
large number of users in a small area, you may wish to consider increasing
the number of Access Point RLMs (making the distance between Radio Link
Modules smaller), and then adjusting the Distance Between APs parameter
to optimize the load balance of the number of wireless stations per Access
Point RLM .
To change the Distance Between APs parameter display the :LUHOHVV
,QWHUIDFHV tab in the edit mode and click the$GYDQFHG button. In the field
'LVWDQFH%HWZHHQ$3V choose one of the three density options:
• Large - (default)
The default setting /DUJH provides a maximum wireless coverage with a
minimum number of Access Point RLMs. This option which is typically used
for single-cell networks, but will also provide an efficient and cost effective
solution for most networks that include multiple wireless cells.