Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 95
•0DQXDOGDWDORJJLQJ- to manually record your link
measurements. Optionally, you can add comments each time you
log data by clicking the “Add comments” check box.
•$XWRPDWLFGDWDORJJLQJ- to automati cally log data. You must
enter a time interval between measureme nts.
•&RQWLQXRXVGDWDORJJLQJ(only available in Link Test window) -
Automatically log data with the following interval:
In all modes, the measurement data is saved in the file entered in the /RJ
)LOHQDPH field. Each time new data is saved, this information is appended
to the existing file. If you wish to save the data in a new file, use this field to
enter a new filename.
6WDUWLQJ6WRSSLQJWKH/RJJLQJ)XQFWLRQDepending on your choice of logging option, the logging button will read
either /RJ2QFH (manual option) or 6WDUW/RJ (automatic options).
• For manual logging, click the “Log Once” button each time you wish to
log data. Logging stops automatically after the data is recorded to the log
• For automatic logging, click the 6WDUW/RJ button. Click the 6WRS/RJ
button to stop the logging function.