Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 95
0DQXDOGDWDORJJLQJ- to manually record your link
measurements. Optionally, you can add comments each time you
log data by clicking the “Add comments” check box.
$XWRPDWLFGDWDORJJLQJ- to automati cally log data. You must
enter a time interval between measureme nts.
&RQWLQXRXVGDWDORJJLQJ(only available in Link Test window) -
Automatically log data with the following interval:
In all modes, the measurement data is saved in the file entered in the /RJ
)LOHQDPH field. Each time new data is saved, this information is appended
to the existing file. If you wish to save the data in a new file, use this field to
enter a new filename.
Depending on your choice of logging option, the logging button will read
either /RJ2QFH (manual option) or 6WDUW/RJ (automatic options).
For manual logging, click the “Log Once” button each time you wish to
log data. Logging stops automatically after the data is recorded to the log
For automatic logging, click the 6WDUW/RJ button. Click the 6WRS/RJ
button to stop the logging function.