Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 93
The manual data logging function allows you to take a snapshot of the
measurement data at specific moment in time, e.g. when you are running
site monitor to do a site survey or when you are investigating a particular
source of interference.
When you choose the manual mode, you may also wish to enable the $GG
FRPPHQWVWRORJ option to allow you to add comments to your logging
information, e.g. a description of the location or event. If you enable this
option, a dialog box will appear each time you press the /RJ2QFH button.
The manual data logging option is typically used on CP 1515 Manager
stations roaming the network running site monitor.
The automatic data logging function allows you to log the network
performance automatically at preset intervals. This may be useful if you wish
to monitor recurring events or variation in values over a long period of time.
When you choose the automatic mode, you need to set the measurement
interval to a specific number of seconds.
Automatic data logging is typically used when the CP 1515 Manager station
is running a link test at a particular loc ation.
1. Cli ck th e /RJ6HWWLQJV tab in the Link Test window or in the Site
Monitor window to display the window pictured in Figure 17Log