Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 63
b. Record the IP address on the 5/0&RQILJXUDWLRQ5HFRUG
located in A“Start-up Configuration”.
4. Enter the Read Write password and click 2. (default password is
If the RLM is found and if you entered the right passwords, a new
window appears with parameter tabs to change the configuration
(see Figure 12RLM Manager Wireless Interfaces tab).
If the Radio Link Module is not found in the network and/or the
configuration is not read, or if the wrong password is entered, the
message “,QYDOLGSDVVZRUG” appears.
Click 2. to return to the main RLM Manager window and try again.
You are now ready to change the RLM configuration settings.
When installing the SIMATIC NET Industrial Wireless LAN network, you are
advised to modify the default settings of the wireless network interfaces.
Although the Radio Link Module will work fine with its factory-set values,
changing the parameters to unique values will differentiate your network
from possible neighboring networks.
1. Sel ec t t he ta b :LUHOHVV,QWHUIDFHV (see Figure 12 RLM Manager
Wireless Interfaces tab).
2. Choose the slot of the RLM (3&&DUGVORW$ or %) that contains the PC
Card that you wish to configure.