96 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
'LDJQRVH&DUGIf you suspect that your PC card CP 1515 may not be functioning properly,
you can select 'LDJQRVWLFV in the $GYDQFHG menu of the main CP1515
Manager window to investigate the functionality of the hardware and
software of the card.
The Diagnose Card window allows you to check the software and firm ware
information, configuration information as well as communication statistics.
To test the PC card CP 1515, click the 7HVW&DUG1RZ button on the &DUG
&KHFN tab.
Running the card test will disrupt the normal operation of your
PC card CP 1515, which may result in a temporary loss of your
connection to the network.
If the PC card CP 1515 passes all tests, the test status will read “OK” in all
fields, and the Error Code field will remain blank. If an error occurs, click the
$GYLFH button for more information on how to handle the error.
7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ6LWH0RQLWRUWhen the Site Monitor does not display (all of) the Access Points RLMs that
you expected, this may be due to one or more of the following reasons: