Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 223
Run RLMMana ger and connect to the target Radio Link Module.
Upload the template file that contains the values that are common for all
RLMs from a template file.
Set the unique parameters for each Access Point RLM.
Save the values to an individual configuration file on disk.
The detailed procedure is as follows:
1. Start the RLM Manager program.
2. Select the target Radio Link Module from the list or enter a specific
Access Point RLM IP address. If the target Access Point RLM is not
displayed in the list, choose 5HIUHVKRadio Link Module /LVW from the
RLM menu.
If the selected Access Point RLM is still using the factory-set IP address,
for example when you are configuring a new “out-of-the-box” Radio Link
Module, you will be prompted to change the default IP address as
described earlier in Step2 - Connecting to the Access Point RLM (page
3. When asked navigate to the disk and/or folder where you stored the
template file.
4. Select the template configuration file (e.g. common .cnf”) and click the
2SHQ button.
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