164 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
6. Click 2. again to save the new configuration to the Radio Link Module
and to return to the main RLM Manager window.
7. (Optional) Save the configuration to a local back-up file (*.cnf) as
described in Step4 - Create a Back-up of the Configuration (page 66).
'LVDEOLQJ$FFHVV&RQWUROTo disable access control for your Radio Link Modules:
1. Start the RLM Manager and connect to the Radio Link Module in the edit
2. Select the $FFHVV&RQWURO tab and click the (GLW button to display all
MAC addresses that are currently authorized.
3. To disable access control, click the button. The MAC address
window will read $OOZLOOEHSHUPLWWHG!.
4. Click 2. to return to the $FFHVV&RQWURO tab.
5. Click 2. again to save the new configuration to the RLM and to return to
the main RLM Manager window.
6. (Optional) Save the configuration to a local back-up file (*.cnf) as
described in Step4 - Create a Back-up of the Configuration (page 66).
7. Update the “Access Point Configuration Record” to reflect this change.
8. (Optional) Modify the access control settings for all other Radio Link