120 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
)LOWHULQJ1HWZRUN3URWRFROVWhen you suspect that network protocols are adversely affecting the
performance of your network, use the following procedure to filter out
unnecessary or unwanted network protocols.
1. Investigate what type of network stations and services are located in t he
environment of your network.
2. Consult the documentation that came with your network operating
system to investigate which protocols are required for network servers
and services, and for the (wireless) stations.
3. Start the RLM Manager program.
4. Select the Radio Link Module of your choice and click the (GLW button.
5. Select the %ULGJH tab to show the protocol filtering information.
6. On the top-right side of the protocol filtering section, click the (GLW
button to open the Protocols to Filter window (pictured in Figure
37Sel ect Ethernet Protocols to be Filtered).
7. Place a check mark for all protocols that you wish to filter.
8. (Optional) To add a non-listed protocol to the list, click the &XVWRP
button to enter the protocol manually.
9. When finished click 2. to return to the %ULGJH tab.
All of the protocols that you have selected, and/or all of the custom
protocols that you have added manually, will be listed in the 3URWRFRO
)LOWHULQJ field.
10. C li ck 2. again to save the changes to the Access Point RLM and to
return to the main window of the RLM Manage r.