Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 157
To close your network proceed as described below:
1. Start the RLM Manager and select the Access Point RLM.
2. Click (GLW to connect the RLM.
3. Select the :LUHOHVV,QWHUIDFHV tab (see Figure 33).
4. Select the interface (3&&DUGVORW$ or %) of the network you wish to
5. Click the 6HFXULW\ button to display the secu rity properties.
6. Click the check box next to &ORVHG:LUHOHVV6\VWHP.
7. C l i c k 2. to confirm and close the Wireless Security Setup window.