86 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
A high noise level would indicate a source of interference in the
radio path between your CP1515 Manager station and the Access
Point R LM.
The SNR, signal level and noise level can be displayed as dynamic
indicators and/or numerical values in dBm.
Display the 0$&DGGUHVV of the wireless cards in the access point.
This option may be useful if:
You are building the access point name list as described in “AP
Names Tab (page 90)’’
Your network includes RLM’s that have been equipped with multiple
PCC ards (CP 1515), and you wish to distinguish the cards inserted
into the access point specifically
 6HOHFWLRQ7DE
The 6HOHFWLRQ tab enables you to select another network, in situations
where you wish to:
Verify the presence of neighboring networks.
Determine whether such network might interfere with your network.
Which Access Points RLMs will be displayed when you start the site
monitor tool is actually determined by the configuration of the network
name parameter on your CP1515 Manager station ((GLW$GG
&RQILJXUDWLRQ3URILOH in the $FWLRQV menu of the main CP1515 Manager
window). For example when the network name of your CP1515 Manager
station is set to:
$VSHFLILF1HWZRUN1DPH - the station will: