Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 99
All diagnostic options are described in the on-line help information
of the RLM Manager. To access that you can access by pressing the
function key or clicking the +HOS button in your RLM Manager
&RQQHFWLQJWR$FFHVV3RLQWV5/0VTo start monitoring the Radio Link Module, you must first connect to the
target Radio Link Module.
1. Start the RLM Manager program.
2. Select the target RLM from the local list or enter the IP address of the
Access Point RLM that you wish to monitor.
Alternatively, you can select5HIUHVK Radio Link Module/LVW from the
RLM menu to display all Access Points RLMs available in your subnet.
Only Access Points RLMs in the same subnet as the management
station are displayed in the list. To investigate a link outside of the
subnet, enter the specific IP address in the (QWHUWKH,3DGGUHVV
RIDVSHFLILFAccess Point RLM field.
3. Click 0RQLWRU to connect to the target Radio Link Module.
4. The monitor mode of the RLM Manager window is displayed as pictured
in Figure 18 System Information Window.