Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 247
If you have access to the Siemens KWWSZZZVLHPHQVFRPPRELF
web site, you can download the latest software (*.bin) available for your
Radio Link Module.
It is advised to specify a temporary IP address for the Access Point RLM.
To enter this temporary IP address:
Open the RLMManager program.
Select from the 7RROV menu the option 2SWLRQV.
Enter the temporary IP address in the /RFDO,3DGGUHVV field.
The temporary IP address is assigned to the Radio Link Module in forced
reload mode. This is done to enable configuring and uploading the
software file, before the Radio Link Module has its definite IP address.
Two configurations of your LAN administrator station are possible to enable
you to logically access the RLM:
Your LAN administrator station is the SIMATIC NET IWL station.
Your LAN administrator station is a wired (Eth ernet) station.
Your LAN administrator station is connected to the RLM via the Ethernet
interface of the RLM.
Make sure the LAN administrator station and the RLM are connected to
the same LAN segment (subnet).
To communicate with the RLM in “Forced Reload” state, no routers are
allowed between the target RLM and the LAN administrator station.
When using IP addressing, write down the IP address that the Radio
Link Module should use.