Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 137
All other stations will defer their transmissions for the duration of the
“radio-silence time” identified in the CTS message.
(QDEOLQJ576&760HGLXP5HVHUYDWLRQ1. Start the RLM Manager program, select the Radio Link Module that
services the wireless cell where you suspect poor performance caused
by a hidden station problem and click the (GLW button.
2. Select the :LUHOHVV,QWHUIDFHV tab.
3. Choose the socket that contains the network interface that suffers from
a hidden station.
4. Click the $GYDQFHG button.
5. Click the 576&760HGLXP5HVHUYDWLRQ check box.
6. In the 7KUHVKROG field, enter a value in the range of 0 to 2347.
By default, the RTS/CTS medium reservation threshold is 2347 (disabled)
which means that RTS/CTS will not be used.
• In a network using RTS/CTS medium reservation, a typical setting
for the medium reservation threshold is 500.
• Alternatively enter a value of your choice.
The value you enter here will determine when the Access Point RLM will
issue a Request to Send (RTS). For example, if the value you select is
• The RLM will send the RTS/CTS protocol for each message that
exceeds the length of 500.
• Messages with a length that is shorter than 500, will be transmitted
according to the standard CSMA/CA protocol.