174 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
When you select to enable encryption and deny non-encrypted data, your
Radio Link Module will:
Only process messages received at its wireless interface, when the
messages have been encrypted with either one of the four identified
Always transmit wireless data using the selected WEP key.
Also encrypt all its multicast and broadcast traffic that it will transmit to
the wireless medium.
If your network includes wireless stations configured with a non-matching
WEP key, or equipped with PC Cards that do not support WEP encryption,
such stations will not be able to establish a wireless connection because
they will not be able to understand (decrypt) crucial network information.
When you select to enable encryption, but you cleared the GHQ\QRQ
HQFU\SWHGGDWD check box, the RLM will:
Process all messages received at its wire less interface, regardless
whether the messages have been encrypted with one of the identified
keys or not.
Encrypt wireless transmissions based on the encryption settings of the
addressed station.
If the addressed station does use WEP encryption, the Radio Link
Module will send the message in encrypted format, using the selected
transmit key value.