178 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager


A read/write password will provide you with full access to display Radio Link
Module diagnostic information found under the 0RQLWRU button, as well as
the configuration settings found under the (GLW button.
Entering an incorrect password will result in a tim e-out error, or “SNMP error
no such name”.
To define a read/write password:
1. Start the RLM Manager and select the t arget RLM from the list or enter
a specific IP address.
2. Click the (GLW button to connect to the Radio Link Module.
3. Select the 6103 tab.
4. In the field 5HDG:ULWH3DVVZRUG, enter the new password. The
default value is “public”.
5. Click 2. to save the configuration to the Radio Link Module.
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In addition to the read and read/write passwords, you can restrict access to
the Radio Link Module configuration to a limited number of authorized