54 Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
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If you wish to remove the SIMATIC NET Industrial Wireless LAN software
from the LAN administrator station you can use the “Add/Remove” function
of your Windows operating system.
To uninstall SIMATIC NET Industrial Wireless LAN software:
1. On the Windows taskbar, click the 6WDUW button.
2. Click on 6HWWLQJV and then &RQWURO3DQHO.
3. On the Control Panel window, double-click the $GG5HPRYH
3URJUDPV icon.
4. Select the program that you wish to uninstall, and click the
$GG5HPRYH button.
The $GG5HPRYH option will remove program files only. If you have stored
log files in the program files directory, these files will not be removed.