Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 211
The Default Router is also relevant if you want to manage (or just ping) the
Access Point RLM from an other subnet.

 7LPH7R/LYH77/

The field 'HIDXOW77/ (Time To Live) identifies the maximum number of
hops for an IP message generated by the Access Point RLM (typically used
for the trap host messages).
The value will be decreased each time the message passes a router. When
the TTL value becomes 0, the message will be rejected by the next router it
meets. By default, the value is 64.
 61033DUDPHWHUV
Most SNMP parameters (except for the System Location and System Name)
are common parameters, i.e. they should be the same for ALL Radio Link
Modules in your network.
To set the SNMP parameters proceed as follows:
1. Make sure you are connected to the right Access Point RLM and select
the 6103 tab to display the SNMP parameters pictured in Fig ure
41Setup SNMP parameters.