Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN RLM Manager, CP 1515 Manager
C79000-G8976-C171-01 261

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When you select “No, do not Upload RLM Software”, the RLM Manager
program will abort the upload operation.
If you would still like to upload the RLM software, but hesitate to overwrite
the original software file, you are advised to make a back-up copy of the
original software file (*.bin) and save it to a separate (floppy) disk drive.
Actually the Radio Link Module software file consists of two information
areas that are both stored in the FlashROM of the Radio Link Module
1. The actual software program area. The data in this area can not be
configured by the end-user.
2. The Configuration Parameters area that contains user-defined settings of
the Radio Link Module. The data in this area can be modified at any
moment when you use the RLM Manager program to open and save a
remote config file.
What actually happens in the procedure to upload Radio Link Module
software, is that the RLMManager program will merge the configuration
parameters retrieved from the RLM with the software in formation from the
RLM software file (*.bin). These will be saved to disk first, prior to uploading
the information into the RLM.