Transferring Students to Your ClassIf you connectt o students throughSMART Sync Class List Server, you can transfer
studentsconnected to other teachers’class es to your class.
Thisfeature is only available if you use SMART Sync Class List Server andif
oneor moreother teacherscurrently havea class runningon SMART Sync Class
ListS erver.
To transferstudentsto
1. SelectC onnection> Get Missing Students from OtherTeachers.
TheSMART Sync –Class List Connectiondialog box appears.This dialog box
showsall students connected toother teacherst hroughSMART Sync Class List
Serverand the teachersthey’re connected to.
2. Selectthe check boxesof the students you want to t ransferto your class.
Youcan select all st udentsin the list by clicking Select All.
3. Click Transfer.
SMART Sync transfers the selected students to your class.
Working with Teacher IDs and ClassesYoucan change to a differentt eacherID or select anotherclass at any time, and the
customizedprofile loads automatically.
If additionalstudents join your class or you reorganizeyour groups,you may w ant to
savethe current class.
To changethe teacher ID
or class
1. SelectFil e > Change Teacheror Class.
TheTeacherand Class Selectiondialog box appears,displaying your current
| CH A P T ER 1 –G E T T IN G S T A R T ED