3. Click Clear .
Amessage appearsask ingf orc onfirmation.
4. Click Yes.
Enabling and Disabling S tudent ChatYoucan allows students in either the whole class or a groupt o chat with each other,
evenwhen you’re notc ontributingto the messages.
Youcan enables tudentchat f orone groupand disable it for another.
If SMART Sync Student is in Hi ddenmode, students can’t initiate chat even if
youallow it. However,they can respond to chat if you initiate it.
To enablestudent chat 1. Click Chat .
TheChat view appears.
2. Click All C omputersor All Studentsto enablechat f orall s tudents.
Click a group’stab to enable chat for only students in the group.
3. Selectthe Al low Students to Chat check box.
To disablestudent chat 1. Click Chat .
TheChat view appears.
2. Click All C omputersor All Studentsto disable chat for all students.
Click a group’stab to disable chat for only students in the group.
| CH A P T ER 6 – CH A T T I N G